Stars and Trades Prize

This Monday took place the departmental presentation of the Stars et Métiers 2021 prize, in our Venitz Conscious Creation boutique.
Organized by the Banque Populaire Aquitaine Center Atlantique, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, in partnership with France Bleu radio, it praised the work of three winners:
🏆 The CREATION PRIZE was awarded to our caring fashion house , for its selection of eco-responsible clothing and accessories; represented by Morgane Catteau and Rudy Cohen.
🏆 The TRANSFORMATION PRIZE went to Monsieur Txokola , a workshop for the artisanal production of chocolate from cocoa beans, represented by Ronan Lagadec and Cyril Pouil.
🏆 The TRANSMISSION PRIZE was awarded to Fromagerie Arribe, specialized in the marketing of cheeses, creameries, country wines, and regional products; represented by Julien Arribe.
Thank you all for your support, your kindness, and the energy that you have mobilized for the development and promotion of craft businesses in our region.

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