Hello everyone, I'm Sarah Vidal, creator of the Alma Lua brand and yoga teacher.
Today, I dedicate a large part of my daily life to the development of my ethical brand around the world of yoga, choosing to work only in small quantities, with recycled/organic materials and to produce as much as possible in Portugal and France. .
I owe my eco-responsible commitment to a trigger, an awareness, during my first yoga teacher training, a moment of introspection which called into question many aspects of my life.
In this sense, I am involved with the 1% For the Planet collective, and more particularly the One Voice Animals association.
The way I perceive the world around me and the way I interact with others has been strongly influenced by my love for animals, nature, humans... a love that is strengthened during each trip and which inspires me enormously for the design of the different collections.
Since we are focusing on travel, I am currently in Costa Rica, I fall in love with it a little more every day, this nature (fauna & flora combined) is so rich, it reinforces in me this feeling of wanting and to MUST always make the right choices to preserve our beautiful Pachamama; through Alma lua but also on a daily basis!
The little sloths, toucans, capuchins crossed on the path remind me a little more, they are the “locals”, it is up to us to adapt to nature and not the other way around.
I like to think that the desire to support noble causes is contagious. So if I had to give advice to those who have not yet taken the plunge: pay attention to the way we consume, less but better... Let's take the example of clothing, when the price is abnormally inexpensive, it is important to ask questions and think about what lies behind it. Avoid large-scale distribution which pollutes both the planet, but also small “creative” brands which try to change things every day.
However, adopting a more ethical and responsible lifestyle is not a linear process; I myself am quite nomadic and regularly take the car, the train and the plane when I have no choice :)
The ALMA LUA universe
Website here
Instagram @almalua_label